How to travel here

Which Airport should I fly into?

If you fly into Cuenca, you will have a 4.5 hour bus ride to get here. If you fly into Guayaquil, you will have a 9 hour bus rides to get here (2 different buses.) If you fly into Quito, you will have 14 hours of bus rides to get here (usually 2 different buses.)

If you want a detailed description of how to get to this area (Gualaquiza) from the airport in Guayaquil or Quito, you can check out the “Detailed Arrival Instructions” page on the Amazon Fruit Festival website: Detailed Arrival Instructions 

PLEASE READ: Travel Safety Tips and read the entry requirements here

Do I need proof of ongoing travel?

Sometimes when flying to Ecuador the customs ask regarding ongoing travel but normally they don’t check for details, sometimes they may ask to provide “proof of ongoing travel” to the airport that you are flying out of. This can be a return ticket. If you do not have a return ticket, you can get on websites such as or buy a bus ticket from Ecuador to Peru or Colombia, (you can do that here if you select “Quito” as your origin city: ) or from some other websites you can also buy a ticket from Loja, Ecuador to Piura, Peru on Cruz del Sur for around $20 or less. If you do not have proof of ongoing travel, they may not let you fly.

Are there COVID-related entry requirements?

Read the entry requirements here

Bus times 

Note: schedules can change without notice so check with the terminal for updates times, sometimes the bus companies list the hours online but they can still be out of date.

Cuenca to Gualaquiza (Updated 1st Dec 2023 – including both bus routes) – $9.95

00:30 (16 de Agosto) (Pangui)
05:30 (16 de Agosto)
06:00 (Sig Sig Cenepa)
10:00 (16 de Agosto)
12:00 (Sig Sig Cenepa)
14:00 (16 de Agosto)
16:00 (Sig Sig Cenepa)
16:30 (16 de Agosto)
19:00 (16 de Agosto)
20:00 (16 de Agosto) (Pangui)
23:00 (Sig Sig Cenepa)
23:59 (Turismo Oriental)

Gualaquiza to Cuenca (Updated 1st Dec 2023 – including both bus routes) – $9.95

01:30 (16 de Agosto)
02:30 (16 de Agosto)
05:30 (Turismo Oriental)
07:00 (16 de Agosto)
09:00 (Sigsig Cenepa)
12:00 (Sigsig Cenepa)
14:00 (16 de Agosto)
15:15 (16 de Agosto)
17:00 (Sigsig Cenepa)
20:00 (16 de Agosto)
22:00 (16 de Agosto)
24:00 (Sigsig Cenepa)

Gualaquiza to Quito
12:30pm, 6:45pm and 10pm – $23 San Francisco
8:15pm and 9:30 pm – $22.85 Union Yanzatza

Recommended places to stay:

Cuenca Hotel Norte
Loja: Residential International